Becoming Venus Blog

A journal of my experiences as I dive deep into my journey with Venus.

My Journey with Venus
My webpage is being updated to become about my personal journey with the planet Venus in relation to her journey around the Sun viewed by me here on Earth. There are those who have purported that the Venus...
Venus Characteristics
Physical Characteristics of the Planet Venus She is the Earth’s sister planet, similar in size, mass, density, composition and gravity. She is the hottest planet in the solar system. Although Venus...
The Venus Cycle
Venus has a 584 day cycle from Heliacal Rise to Heliacal Rise (rising before the Sun in this case when Venus is Retrograde) Venus Spends 40 Days retrograde moving from evening star to morning star. At...
Venus Stations Direct - Leo 13
September 3, 2023 Venus conjunct Merlin, Lancelot, Hathor, Cernunnos To be updated…
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