My webpage is being updated to become about my personal journey with the planet Venus in relation to her journey around the Sun viewed by me here on Earth. There are those who have purported that the Venus cycle is the meaning behind the Inanna Descent myth from Sumeria. (I will eventually have links to those teachers.) I have taken that storyline as the basis for my personal path with my own Inner Sacred Feminine. I use the cycle of Venus along with the planetary bodies she meets up with from this vantage point as my oracle.
The myth of the Descent Inanna is about her going through 7 gates to visit her sister, Erishkegal, Queen of the Underworld. Inanna wears 7 Me, symbols of power, that her sister demands she remove at each gate. She finally enters the Underworld stripped of all she held dear. Inanna is put on trial, declared guilty, and sentenced to death. This was expected by Inanna and she has put into place a plan to be rescued. This happens and she then rises from the dead, going through the 7 gates and taking back her powers as she rises.
In the Venus cycle, these gates correspond to the seven Venus/Moon conjunctions that happen after Venus rises to her highest point in the morning sky and the seven conjunctions after she rises out of the Underworld as Evening Star. The gates have been linked to the seven Chakras. As Venus/Inanna descends, she goes through the Crown Chakra gate first, working her way down to go through the Root Chakra before she enters the Underworld.
Thousands of asteroids and other planetary entities have been discovered and named. I have a list of over 500 named after deities of various cultures or famous characters from the beloved myths and stories of ancient times. Through internet searches using Wikipedia, the information other astrologers have gleaned from their research, or just from random websites, I have compiled files on each one. When one of these entities connects with Venus at a power point in the Inanna cycle, I take the story of that character and weave it into the storyline of the astrology of that moment.
As it is said in in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing.” I have found that by meditating on the myth and the gate correspondence, I can develop a deeper understanding of what the gates mean to me personally.
Part of the journey is discovering what the deeper story is behind the myths tied to the deities involved, specifically the Goddesses of ancient times. By sitting in a sacred space with them, conversing with them as Venus/Inanna, I get a sense of their fuller story which has changed over time, along the lines of the telephone game played in our childhood. I find that once I put my attention directly on the energy behind their story, more information comes to me that I had not been able to locate in my first search, mostly in a surprising random way. Ask and you shall receive. It never fails to amaze me when the information shows up.
Now I want to share this journey with others. It is not about doing it exactly as I do, it is more about taking the template of Inanna’s journey and the Venus cycle and making it something that you can use in your way.