Venus has a 584 day cycle from Heliacal Rise to Heliacal Rise (rising before the Sun in this case when Venus is Retrograde)
Venus Spends 40 Days retrograde moving from evening star to morning star.
At the midpoint of her retrograde phase, Venus conjuncts the Sun and a few days later rises as a Morning Star beginning a new 584-day cycle.
Venus rises before the Sun (heliacal rise) and then spends 260 Days as a Morning Star with 7 to 8 Moon conjunctions
As a Morning Star, Venus begins her descent into the underworld. She meets with the waning Moon 7 times going through the 7 gates into the underworld. At each Gate she gives up a symbol of her power, one of the sacred Me that are associated with the 7 chakras and she releases any distortions linked with these chakra energies.
Gate 1 – crown chakra – The Gate of Authority
Gate 2 – third eye chakra – The Gate of Perception
Gate 3 – throat chakra – The Gate of Communication
Gate 4 – heart chakra – The Gate of Compassion
Gate 5 – solar plexus – The Gate of Personal Power
Gate 6 – sacral chakra – The Gate of Creativity
Gate 7 – root chakra – The Gate of Manifestation
Venus joins the Sun for 60 to 90 Days. This is the Underworld phase. Inanna dies and then is reborn 60 to 90 days later after she meets with the Sun or source of life. Dying to her old self and preparing to be reborn anew.
Venus rises as Evening star with 7 conjunctions with the Moon. Venus meets with the waxing Moon returning through the seven gates in the reverse order now Transformed and Empowered from her initiation and she regains her items of power.
Venus starts to sink in the evening sky and starts her cycle all over again when she passes between the Earth and the Sun and goes retrograde again.